Nervous or Excited

Years ago I learned the important lesson that nervous and excited feel pretty much identical to, and in our bodies. Now every time I get nervous and start to feel fearful, I try to assess the situation and ask myself- is there any part of this experience that is exciting? The answer is usually yes and it tends defuses the moment, and the anxiety. 

I’ve been using the technique a lot lately. 

Sometimes in life, the periods of changes and shifts all seem to collide. Change can bring equal parts fear and excitement, sometimes even in the same 5 minute window! But, I honestly hope this happens for all of us - it’s wildly overwhelming but it’s also life changing.

I’m in the midst.


Life is short. It's much too short, not to make the most of it. Playing it safe is cozy and secure, familiar, but it may not be fulfilling. What if the things you dream of, are around the corner but you never leave your street? I think I'm probably using too many metaphors and waxing a bit poetically, but there is nothing wrong with romanticizing your life! In that space between my nerves and excitement, I'm trying to build a dream...

If I offered you the chance to potentially live a dream life, would you be wiling to offer up your cozy stability? I recently had to ask myself and my introvert/ambivert nature gives a resounding 'no' but the dreamer, the creative and my inner child are also demanding a solid 'heck ya'. So what does one do? Instead of making excuses for why you can't do something, try. Step out of your comfort zone, face your fears, and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. 



I've booked myself 7 weeks out on the east coast of Canada, exploring the Halifax area. A destination isn't my dream but living a life that feels free and adventurous, filled with more fun, more love and more life experiences, is. I hope you like riding shotgun as I begin my adventure

Now one last thing before I wrap up (I've been writing those post for 3 weeks already) - if you think I should visit your city or have suggestions or tips for places I go, please reach out! Leave a comment or follow along on IG @fulloffabulous.  

Life is a grand adventure waiting to be explored. Don't let fear hold you back. Explore the unknown, conquer the fears, and embrace the emotions. Make new life experiences that will leave you with incredible memories. So go ahead, take that leap, and let the magic of stepping out of your comfort zone transform your life. I am. 

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